Nancy the Doberman ended up in a junkyard with a broken back after being thoroughly beaten by her abuser, writes ilovemydogsomuch.

The beast realized nobody would observe the gaunt canine in the abandoned dump and she would ultimately surrender to her wounds. Yet, Nancy was frantic to get by.

Nancy became paralyzed from the beating she took, but she began crawling through the shattered glass and metal shards scattered around in the junkyard. She was bleeding and had tears in her eyes, but she didn’t want to give up. Fortunately, someone finally noticed her and rushed her to the hospital and prayed for her life.

The video shows Nancy’s traumatizing experience at the hospital as she tries to cope with her paralysis. Vets perform a difficult surgery to fix her damaged spine, but Nancy’s movements are severely restricted.

It was discovered that her back legs were completely immobile. Her caregivers decided to send her to a rehabilitation facility for further treatment. It was discovered that her back legs were completely immobile. Her caregivers decided to send her to a rehabilitation facility for further treatment.

With continuous water therapy, massages, and treadmill exercise, Nancy’s front legs slowly got healed after a rigorous few months. However, her back legs were still mostly unresponsive. The rescuers didn’t want the sweet girl to suffer much, so they got her a wheelchair that enabled her to play and socialize with other rescue dogs!

Her physical therapists plan to continue helping Nancy. She is already showing signs of improvement in her back legs, and is even moving without her wheelchair! Nancy has been a real trooper during her treatment. Nancy’s heartbreaking story of abuse and her remarkable recovery can be seen in the video below.