A mailman approaching a house and being frightened away or barked at by a dog was the topic of numerous cartoons and comic routines, but in fact, delivery employees make friends with many of the animals they see on a daily basis.

The UPS Dogs Facebook page honors these bonds by featuring several accounts of UPS drivers who not only carry packages but also food and toys to the dogs.

One of these drivers is Katie Newhouser like all of the dogs she meets on her daily commute, but one in particular has captured her heart.

It was that special bond that would be called on when this lovable pooch found himself homeless.

Katie Newhouser adores dogs; she not only has three of her own, but she also enjoys socializing with the dogs on her delivery route.

However, one dog in particular had a special place in her heart: Leo, a pit bull.

“As soon as I got into the condo complex, he’d start barking……” When I stopped, he would always leap inside my truck,” Katie recounted on Facebook.

Tina, Leo’s owner, informed Katie that her son had found Leo when he was a puppy and that he had to be bottle fed.

Katie got some heartbreaking news.
Katie tells PEOPLE, “They (Tina and Leo) were incredibly close and did everything together.” “I don’t believe dogs ever forget somebody who has been close to them.”

Katie, on the other hand, received some terrible news in July 2017 when she learned that her friend Tina, Leo’s mother, had died.

She became concerned about what would happen to Leo when the shock had gone, so she contacted Tina’s son Cannon and asked if he would take Leo in. According to Animal Channel, Cannon informed her he couldn’t since he was an active service Marine.

‘He and his brother Moose are inseparable,’ says the narrator.

Despite having three dogs of her own, Katie opted to adopt Leo.

“It was certainly confusing for him at first,” Katie added, “but he has adapted well.” “His brother Moose and him are inseparable.” Bailey, his sister, took a little to warm up, but they now play together… When Leo came into the house, the whole atmosphere shifted.”

Katie announced the happy news on the UPS Dogs Facebook page, where she received hundreds of likes and comments congratulating Leo on his new home.Despite the fact that Leo misses his mother Tina, he has found a new home with someone who cherishes him.

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