Favorite Song Of German Shepherd Plays On Radio – His Dance Moves Are Masterly

There’s nothing better than getting in the car, turning on your favorite song and hitting the road, right? If you’re like me, the number of dances that take place in your car, where you think no one can see you, exceeds the number of dances that happen when you’re out at the club.

Well, if the video below teaches us anything, it’s that dogs love to dance in the car to their favorite rhythms just as much as we do. Adorable German Shepherd, the star of the hilarious yet adorable video, had the best reaction when he heard one of his favorite songs playing on the radio. Well, lucky enough for the rest of us, his owners were there to film his moves.

Honestly, the dog mostly moves his ears, but what’s most impressive is how well they sync up with the music. Let’s put it this way: this dog has more rhythm in his ears than some people have in their whole body. So, if you need something to brighten up your day and put a smile on your face right now, this is definitely a video you should watch.

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