When we hear about ‘perfect timing’, and even more a perfect timing related to animals, there’s no doubt that what we’re excepting to see is something unbelievable and funny.

But, what does it take to capture that perfect timing picture? For animal photographers you need nothing less than many years of experience, studying the species habits, many hours of patience waiting for the moment, and a large investment in equipment.

And finally, when we got to se the results it gets clear that all the things we mentioned above were worth it, and that’s because we get a glimpse into a whole new perspective about how special and mesmerizing is the reality of animals, and even more how funny can it get.

Now, let’s see some of these kinds of shots, and make it clear what’s it all about:

Funny bulldog making a silly face while trying to catch the ball.

Ring tailed Lemur making an attempt to catch a dragonfly.

Eagle-plane attack.

A cat flying through the garden. Wait, what?

A squirrel trying to catch a peanut, before it falls on the grass.

Playing the Spanish guitar, animal version.

A lizard, making the last attempt to save his pal from falling.

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