Animals, how do they actually feel?

We humans are not used to understand the correlation between ‘animals’ and ‘feelings’, and most of us treats them just like a creature without the emotional part. So, what can we tell, do they have feelings too?

Day after day, our learning of them shows us how fascinating they are, and what emotional capabilities they have. There’s a vast number of humans that actually feel love toward animals, or their pets in particular, and in the same time they experience that animals too show love and affect toward humans as well.

Many observations from scientist have shown that animals do show love, affect, fear, grief, and many other emotions, both in relation with other animals and also with humans.

So, let’s take a glimpse into their emotional world:

Two elephants showing love to each other
A cat, taking care of his baby and a squirrel
Baby squirrel feeling all comfy on a human hand
Unusual friendship between a ‘big cat’ and a dog
Nothing helps like a big hug
Showing that mother love
A real friend never lets you down

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