Butterfly, a life through transformations!

Butterflies are know for their variety of forms and colors, and there’s no doubt that everyone praises them for their beauty, much more many writers made poems about them.
The fact that is not known for most of us is that they are not so beautiful always, and that’s because their life cycle gets through a process of changes called metamorphosis.
There are four stages of this process: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Egg – this is the first stage, and it starts when the female butterfly lays the egg on a plant.

Larva – larva or the caterpillar represents the second stage, when the insect eats the plant where the egg is laid.

Danaus plexippus plexippus Wanderer butterfly/Monarch butterfly (Nymphalidae)

Pupa – pupa starts when larva is full grown and stops eating, it is also known as the transition stage between larva and the adult.

Adult – or the butterfly as we know it, is the final stage of metamorphosis. It is also the stage when they get their wings, and their duty is to mate and lay eggs. But, they have one more duty… TO IMPRESS US.

These facts are not the only mind-blowing facts about butterflies. Here’s some more: if the weather is cold, they can’t fly, so if you ever heard about the saying it’s too cold outside… for butterflies to fly; the receptors of taste are unbelievably located in butterflies feet; butterflies don’t eat, they just drink… yeah, that’s right, in the adult stage they don’t eat, they just actually drink nectar, which provides them with the necessary nutritive elements.

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