Petting dangerous animals

When we hear about animals like bears, wolfs, crocodiles, lions, tigers, eagles, and many more, we immediately think about how dangerous they are, and that we would run away immediately after seeing them. But, there are people ‘crazy’ enough to think that they can pet one of these animals, and ‘even worse’ they actually pet them.

It sounds weird, but it’s true. There’s a vast number of people that are attracted by the idea of owning an exotic pet. So they decide to get one, for example snakes, crocodiles, bears, wolfs, tigers, lions, eagles, owls, hyenas, and much more.

See for yourself:

Bears – The unusual tradition of petting bears in Russia always have been attractive for all animal lovers around the world. Many times we got to see hugging, playing, sparing, and many more things that a lot of people in Russia who actually pet bears. But in 2020 animal care law prohibits people from keeping these kinds of animals at home, with one exception, you are allowed to do so only if you bought your exotic pet before 2020.

Cheetah, Tigers, Leon’s – We are all familiar with pictures of these kind of animals in company of wealthy people in UAE. Having an enormous fortune, this ‘crazy humans’ came with the idea of having exotic animals in their collection of possessions. Although in 2017 UAE FNC passed a law which inhibits individuals from owning, trading or breeding wild animals.

Hyenas – a.k.a the Hyena Man, in this photo you can see a man from Africa having a hyena as a pet. Although it is quite unusual the desire of having such a pet, as we can see, there are such individuals.

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