This is an amazing story about a dog who saved a person’s life.
The fact that this dog is blind adds to the extraordinary nature of the story.
Meet Norman, a brave yellow Labrador Retriever who saved the life of Lisa Nibbley, a young girl.

Norman’s previous partner had abandoned him.

Fortunately, Annette and Steve McDonalds came to his aid just before he was to be put to sleep.
Norman’s vision became an issue for the couple soon after he was adopted.
When they took Norman to the vet, they discovered he had Retinal Atrophe, a disease with no cure that can cause blindness.
After a few years, Norman lost his sight.

Then, one day, while walking down the beach, Norman and Annette noticed and heard Lisa Nibbley pleading for help.
See how the heroic story concludes in the video below!
Norman is a fantastic dog!
He was blind, but that didn’t stop him from saving someone’s life.
This blind dog has proven to be a true hero!
Check out the video for more, let us know what you think, and don’t forget to share the touching video with your friends and family on social media.

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