An abandoned kitten trapped in a car tire asks woman for help

Dana discovered a kitten stuck in her car tire. The face of the little kitten popped out of the tire, melting her heart.

Dana was an animal lover who worked at Brooklyn Animal Action. She immediately took the kitten from the tire and named her Ginny. Ginny was driven home and given a warm bath. She felt at ease after that. She was neither afraid nor shy.

Ginny enjoyed sitting on Dana’s shoulder, and it became a habit for both of them. Ginny was the son on Dana’s shoulder whenever she was doing the dishes or doing their chores. Dana already had two permanent cats when she adopted Ginny. Dana soon brought another kitten named Lucy, who was the same age as Ginny.

They got along well, and the generous woman found them both permanent homes. Ginny and Lucy were adopted together and lived happily ever after.

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