Dog let out to pee accidentally joins half-marathon and finishes seventh

 Ludivine, a 2-year-old Bloodhound  become Elkmont’s hero of the day.

Ludivine was let out to go to the bathroom by her owner, and while she usually roams the area around the farm where she lives, the noise of the half marathon that was about to begin drew her attention.
The dog made her way to the starting line, and once the race began, she began to run alongside the competitors. She most likely thought they were just messing with her. Mile after mile, the dog has always run alongside the leading pack. Ludivine even stopped by the track at one point to chase a rabbit, bark at some cows, and smell some roses she discovered along the way.

Despite these breaks, Ludivine finished the half marathon in seventh place in 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 56 seconds, earning a medal for her outstanding performance.

The organizers were so moved by the outpouring of support for Ludivine that they decided to rename the event “The Hound Dog Half” in her honor.

She was let out to go to the bathroom, and while usually she just roams around the farm where she lives, this time her attention was caught by the noise of the event that was going to start.

She made her way to the starting line, and ran the race like it was no big deal.

She even stopped by the track to run after a rabbit, bark at some cows and smell some roses.

Despite these stops, she finished seventh.

Her time was 1 hour, 32 minutes and 56 seconds.

The organizers were so impressed by Ludivine’s performance that will rename the event as “The Hound Dog Half” in her honor.

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