Unexpected Horse Intrudes Into Man’s Living Room And Feels Right At Home

A random horse is one of those things that you simply don’t expect to find in your house.But that’s exactly what New Zealander Doug Renoe from Dunedin discovered in his home.It appeared as though the strange horse had always lived there when it wandered into his living room and made itself at home.

Despite the horse’s laid-back demeanor, Dave was confident that he would have remembered if the horse had been his roommate.

So Dave quickly posted on Facebook asking if anyone in the area was looking for a missing horse:Is there a missing horse in the Highcliff area? This one entered the house and devoured my wife’s garden-grown carrots in addition to half of my dinner. If unclaimed, we will keep her as a pet.

In fact, someone was missing a horse. Ben Telfer-Hynes was relieved to hear that his daughter was okay when he learned that Sharq, his horse, had chosen to live with an unknown man.

Ben Telfer-Hynes was relieved to hear that his daughter was okay when he learned that Sharq, his horse, had chosen to live with an unknown man.

Sharq eagerly followed her pet-dad home after acknowledging that her adventure was over.Sharq is an indoor horse, so Telfer-Hynes explained that she believes it is entirely normal for Sharq to wander around inside.

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