He weeps and refuses to eat after being returned barely three days after being adopted

Pacho’s story exemplifies human selfishness.

Puppies are lovely beings; they are attached to everyone who shows them love or affection. This explains why they appear to be following passers-by or refuse to let you leave their house when you visit.

The issue becomes even more stressful when we consider a fuzzy homeless individual. After witnessing disaster on the pavements, they get attracted by any human being who gives them a passing glance. This was the case with Pacho, therefore he wasn’t paying in the same currency, reports androdass.com.

The dog is only a year old.

After a family decided to adopt him, Pacho joyfully departed the kennel in Puglia (Italy), where he had been residing for the previous six months.

The fuzzy one’s happiness was shared by everyone there because finding a home was practically a dream come true for him. The story became a nightmare when the puppy was turned down once more.

Three days after being adopted, Pacho was going back to the pound.

As if it were a doll, they placed the beast back in the cage after promising to find it refuge.

The puppy had no idea what had happened, and the whole situation had left him discouraged and depressed.

As a result of his disappointment, Pacho has stopped eating; he used to weigh 23 kilograms before this tragic event, but now he only weighs 20. The poor animal lost ten pounds in just a few hours. They may not have been certain about the adoption and may not have intended to hurt the animal, but they are oblivious of the catastrophic effects that their actions will have on the animal’s life.

Pacho doesn’t explain why they didn’t go looking for him again, or why he’s staying there now.Since the dog has been shy, the animal’s behaviour leaves everyone on the premises on high alert.

He used to play with his kennel buddies, but he doesn’t seem to be in the mood for it anymore.

Pacho’s story exemplifies human selfishness; no animal should be abandoned.

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