Foxes Refuse To Abandon The Big-Hearted Man Who Saved Their Lives

Meet Gráinne, 7, Minnie, 5, and Henry, an 11-month-old baby who are now living with the fox lover and have already taken over as the center of attention in their community.Patsy started byadopting Gráinne seven years ago when the animal was just seven weeks old.After learning about his unusual affinity for animals, his neighbors eventually sent him two more foxes, which he later accepted into his home.

At first, Patsy had no intention of keeping the foxes. The man attempted to return them to the wild after making sure they were healthy. However, the animals understood that they owed him their lives and returned on their own initiative to be by his side. Of course, when Patsy is covered in foxes and strolls through the streets of his village, he isn’t exactly invisible. He has started traveling primary schools with his foxes to teach kids about animals, and he has even gained a little local notoriety. The man is pleased to say that:

I now have people from all over the country and indeed the UK asking me for advice on looking after foxes. I’m no expert and I’m still learning from them day-by-day. I’m happy to advise as a lay person.

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