German shepherd stands up to protect abandoned baby deer in a loyal manner

Sarge, the German Shepard, has a very lovable and protective side. He enjoys caring for animals, especially fawns, or baby deer.

German shepherds are praised for their intellect and devotion to others and are known for their dedication to their families and loyalty to those they love. These clever dogs have a reputation for being excellent police, military, therapy, and service dogs and for loving their jobs.

German shepherds enjoy having a job to accomplish or someone to look after. They will find something to do on their own if they don’t have anybody to take care of or a job to keep them busy. Sarge, a German shepherd who lives in a remote area of Ohio, has experienced this.

The owners of Sarge take care of sick or injured animals until they are healthy enough to be sent back into their natural habitat where they can flourish. Sarge’s home is surrounded by a forest, and because of this, he makes it a point to do his part to help the various animals he encounters get well. To let the animals realize they are not alone, he shows them each love, affection, and comfort.

Sarge has a talent for cuddling animals and putting them at ease. He loves to share his food, drink, and toys with the other animals, which is a sharp contrast to the perception that some people have of German shepherds as vicious police dogs.

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