Hugging his younger brother after school, Bernedoodle melts millions’ hearts

This child just got home from school. And his mother isn’t the only one who is expecting his arrival home. His devoted dog is likewise awaiting him with patience. In the footage, the dog can be seen standing in their front yard and watching as his human brother exits the school bus and walks across the yard to meet him. Because it appears that the dog will sprint to meet the sibling halfway, the dog stretches his legs.

But he walked rather than run. After a hard day of chasing his tail and running, he might have needed to stretch his legs. He is approached and greeted by his brother. The next action the dog took was probably what caused its legs to extend. He stands up on his back legs and hugs his youngster. What a considerate action! The dog also held on tight and wouldn’t let go.

As his brother was unsurprised by the dog’s actions, it indicates that this is a daily welcome for them. Or maybe he’s been trying to train his dog to do this and has finally succeeded! The dog kissed him and his human brother embraced him back. These two are happy to be together again after such a long day.

You can watch heartwarming video below:

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