Animals should never be kept in captivity… This much any rational person will accept. I simply cannot image a dog living in a cage or seeing sunshine. It is too painful for me.

Nonetheless, it was the dog in this story’s harsh reality. BB was discovered trapped in a cellar in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, in such deplorable conditions that writing about them makes my heart bleed. The images are courtesy of the Humane Society’s animal heroes, who rescued roughly 130 animals from the puppy mill during the raid.

The animals were terrified, perplexed, and exposed to things that no animal should be. But, thankfully, they were about to start a new life. Little BB weighed just over 2.2Ibs and had only three good teeth. The others had to be removed because they were so bad.

An anonymous tip gave them hope. According to Newsner, in addition to BB, 104 additional dogs, 20 cats, and three goats were saved. The poor animals were being kept in cramped cages in a dark and stuffy basement with no basic ventilation.

Brenda Tortoreo, who had previously worked at the clinic where BB was treated, was about to put an end to its unhappy life.

“She was very tiny, and she looked like this helpless creature,” Jessica Lauginiger, animal manager at HSUS, said in an interview. It is believed that BB had never seen sunshine and had had little contact with humans. “When I placed my hand up to the cage, she’d come up and sniff it. She was afraid to accept human attention, yet she desired it.”

According to reports, BB was used for breeding several times over the years, and her rescuers had difficulty determining her age at first due to her appearance.BB, on the other hand, glanced at the sunlight with a countenance that said it all when she was finally hauled from the basement. She’d never felt grass under her paws before, and now she has a second chance to enjoy the life she truly deserves.

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