A dog that had been sleeping in the snow for two days without knowing how she got there was reported to Stray Paws. Was she there due of a condition that required medical attention, a wound, or an accident?
They were unsure of the dog’s purpose, but they were aware that they needed to act immediately to save her. When they got there, they saw that the dog was almost completely buried. She was lucky to be breathing because it was below freezing and her body was half-buried in snow.Nobody knows how the dog survived two days in the frigid weather. She is unable to move and must be in excruciating agony. Despite this, she allowed rescuers to place her in a crate and transport her to the vet.

She was given the ideal name for a girl who was freezing—Snow White. When they arrived to the clinic, they started to use IV infusions to try and thaw up her small body. She was just approximately three years old, according to the vet.

The actual temperature would be 38 ° C, but her body temperature was just 32.9 ° C. She wasn’t very heavy, so she didn’t have much protection from the chilly environment she was being shed in. They suspect she was abandoned since she actually had no identification tags and no one knew who she was.

They tried everything they could to help the adorable little puppy. It took her some time to be able to walk on her paws once more after doctors raised her body temperature. She managed to live, though, and by day two she was able to move about and even go outside.
She had made some progress, but she wasn’t quite out of the woods. Since Snow White also fell ill, her recovery process took a while. She needed some time and medicine, but three months after being rescued from the snow, she received her very own permanent home where she was happy and even had canine companions.

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